Thats why I was inquiring on the very first circuit in my post. Maybe its more efficient? but then I could throw in some zeners and cause a cut-off when voltage is over a limit?
What about the charger (schematic below) from here:
except I could replace the darlington with a TIP41 and limit current maybe? But does that zener diode approach seem to work (ZD1) I mean I want a method that will work wonderful before I attempt to build this myself. and I'll replace the solar panel with a 9-12V wall wart and capacitor across it. and I may remove ZD2 or maybe replace it with a 7.2V zener to match the voltage of the battery I'm trying to charge and maybe ditch the LED and resistor in series with it because to me those two things are accessories.
What do you guys think? Is this a good circuit for nimh batteries for charging at C/5 or faster?