a ternary logic

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New Member
hi there
this is my first post on this forum as such
i am a student of indian institute of technology kanpur , india

i am just wondering why we are still stuck with a binary choice ??

the fact as i see it is 3^n is much much greater than 2^n
but suppose ther was such a logic how the hell will anyone go about implementing it

any links or info regarding this will be highly appreciated !!
If you wanted to do something like that, the simple on/off of current transistors would not be sufficient. Instead you would need some type of 3 state switch. I could imagine a RAM that used a voltage to correspond to the value, but the rest would be difficult.
i appreciate the attempt crust made
but people i am looking for the most outlandish and most extraordinary although realistic thoughts that you get
i was myself trying to realise it in terms of organic molecules which change from one state to other , we just have to have 3 states which are interchangeable by application of appropriate current or voltage

also though somehow i may be able to achieve the ram model suggested by crust but he size factor is ther real thing which is going to market my product , this baby will be a little bigger than i want

p.s:: people i am still a student of electronics ( as much as everyone is )
i am not a pro so kindly develop your ideas a little bit when you reply

any reply will be highly appreciated
The most relevant idea I can think of is DNA which has 4 states. Each state coresponds to a different chemical in the chain. Recently some reasearch lab used DNA to do math calculations.

It would be neat if you could find a molecule that has 3 stable states that can be induced with electronic signals. It might be a viable storage medium.

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