A way back in...

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Well-Known Member
Bit of a life story here (sorry), but I'm looking for a way back into electronics as a career having missed the boat by very many years, and I'm looking for advice as to what I should be doing. I'd really appreciate any (positive!) comments and realistic advice.

(deep breath...)

I did 2 years of a 3 year City & Guilds in electronic servicing back in 1983/1984 or thereabouts, but when mum insisted I get a summer job, I found and started a 4 year mechanical engineering apprenticeship (being young and wanting to make mum happy) when I should have been starting the third year of my C&G, which I was good at but made me thoroughly miserable so I left after 6 months, far too late to go back to my 3rd C&G year, so I went and did voluntary conservation work; couldn't hack it going back to college when living on my own at the time, was generally a hippy and hobo for years, tried my hand at a few things, during which I abandoned everything from my former life and started over, twice, eventually got my act together and trained as an office admin twelve years ago, before finally realising all I really want to do is work in technology in general, but electronics in particular. I've always done electronics as a hobby apart from a gap the last few years until recently, and I've never stopped doing small repairs, so I haven't forgotten everything!

So now I'm working as a market researcher, and started building up my electronics hobby again, with my eyes firmly focussed on a job of some sort in electronics. I've been looking for jobs in technology companies, but can't even get interviewed for a job wiring panels or basic assembly work, so I'm thinking my best option is to go back to college. So my questions are, if I do this, what sort of course should I be looking at (I was thinking HNC/HND but having doubts about that now), and if I don't go back to college, what's the best way to approach companies to "give me a chance", and given the level I'm at, what sort of jobs actually are there that I can do with my out of date qualification and years of hobbying?

Many Thanks In Advance, sorry for long winded post!
Tough question, Throbscottle.

Do you all have "Technical Colleges"? Here, they're tw0 year, associate degree schools specializing in, essentially, the "trades". HVAC, Auto mechanical, electrical/electronic, etc.

You may already know what they might teach you, but they give out certificates proclaiming your proficiency in a particular field which employers these days require.

Take note, however, there is precious little "repair" in the world of electronics. By that I mean, it's largely "plug and chug". i.e., board level swaps. Discrete component repair (a resistor here, a transistor there) is almost unheard of.

Good luck. For my part, with a 50 year background in electronics, a hobby of it is all that remains.
CB: your last 2 lines sum it up nicely! And am I glad I never tired of this hobby!
If TS is young enough he could do installlation work, industrial mainainance (PLC programming) and the like
Good luck! E
South Africa still has room for component level Techs.

Thank you and bye.
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