AAAHHhhhhh..... Tempature Problems (DS18S20)

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New Member
I am currently trying to make a clock/tempurature display simalar to the one at the web page below. under electronics.

I am using a UCN5832A 32-bit current sink driver to power the display.
The problem that I am having is that I can't seam to get working code to
sampe two different temp sensors (DS18S20). I have done projects in the
past with the 18S20 and can get it working with one sensor but when I
add the second one stuff starts going crazy. The sensors are running on
seperate pins because I can't figure out the whole chip ID thing.

The code is atatched below. The two segments were the problem is in
the Get_temp functions. If I point both subroutines at the same pin they
work fine but if the are pointed at different pins then one works and the
other one gives weird data. The blocks of code running the two sensors
the same exept for some changes in lables.

Any one got any ideas?


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I finally got it working!!!!!!! I was changing a bit at the wrong time opps.

I am supprissed that no one posted anything here. It is a little disconcerning that no
one even gave a little bit of thought on what the problem could be. Granted I know that
the code is pretty long but still a heart felt "That sucks" would have been apreiciated....

There's not much point in posting just for the sake of it!.

Your problem uses particularly specific hardware, so unless we have the same hardware we can't even test it - I'm not prepared to spend a number of hours trying to find software bugs for a system that I don't have, and only have a vague idea how it works.

Presumably everyone else is the same?.
Just visited the site you linked to..

Pretty impressive clock, 650 leds, the guy deserves a medal just for soldering them :shock:
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