About LCD 20x4

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New Member
What is the difference between a 14-pin 20x4 LCD and a 16-pin 20x4 LCD? If I want to use only 14 pins on a 16-pin 20x4 LCD, can I ignore the extra 2 pins on the 16-pin 20x4 LCD?

PS: Sorry it sounds abit confuse
Normally the two extra pins are for backlight. You can use the LCD without backlight if you choose.
For the 16-pin 20x4 LCD display diagram as below, which is pin 1? Start from the left hand side OR right hand side?


  • 20x4_lcd.jpg
    73.3 KB · Views: 798
I have a 16x4 similar to your picture and pin 1 is on the left as you look at it.To be sure,follow the tracks from the backlight back to the connectors ,they will be 15&16 .
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