(1) Note should read: REPEAT COMPLIMENT OF 15V SUPPLY HERE TO FORM -15V SUPPLY (BC546=BC556, BD139=BD140)
(2) C2 should read 4m7F
(3) R22 should read 4K7
(4) Title along lower schematic should read: 02CSEL02_ETO_NIKOLAI_PREAMP_DESCRETE PSU_Iss01-00_2016_03_20_sh1~N
(1) Q5 should read BD138 not BD139
(2) Q7 should read BD138 not BD139
(3) C2 should read 4m7F
(4) R22 should read 4K7
(5) Title along lower schematic should read: 02CSEL02_ETO_NIKOLAI_PREAMP_DESCRETE PSU_Iss01-00_2016_03_20_sh1~N
You know: output short-circuit are serious threat to amp, especially with careless person like me . So I have modified Rod Elliot's circuit, add compressor circuits to limit output current. Any mistake?
I hope that Rod Elliot will not sue me because of mod the circuit .
Ah, will MJE340 and MJE350 replace BD139 and BD140 in above circuit well?
You know: output short-circuit are serious threat to amp, especially with careless person like me . So I have modified Rod Elliot's circuit, add compressor circuits to limit output current. Any mistake? View attachment 98355
Can fit in Q4 position OK. But neither transistor (BD140 or MJE350) good here for the voltage amplification stage (VAS). Only 12mA collector current max so why fit a medium power transistor which has compromised hfe and ft in this critical position.
Not enough current capability for two output driver transistors though.
Can fit in Q4 position OK. But neither transistor (BD140 or MJE350) good here for the voltage amplification stage (VAS). Only 12mA collector current max so why fit a medium power transistor which has compromised hfe and ft in this critical position.
Not enough current capability for two output driver transistors though.
TIP41 and TIP42 would be OK for the two driver transistors.
The VAS transistor is one of the most critical transistors in any audio amplifier of that architecture. It is this single transistor that provides all the voltage gain in the amplifier and needs to have good linearity and high ft at currents of 0 to 12mA. This is radically different to the requirements of the output drivers.
Yes I see one. Notice that the VAS current (Q4) is not limited and this would cause a big problem. So your circuit will only "protect" Q6 and Q8.
This is why almost none use this type of a protection circuit. For example you can fix this by adding an emitter resistor into Q4 and two diodes from Vcc to Q4 base.
Yes I see one. Notice that the VAS current (Q4) is not limited and this would cause a big problem. So your circuit will only "protect" Q6 and Q8.
This is why almost none use this type of a protection circuit. For example you can fix this by adding an emitter resistor into Q4 and two diodes from Vcc to Q4 base.
Are you perhaps a little confused?, the two diodes (along with an emitter resistor) would be at the bottom side of the circuit, creating a constant current source in place of the two 3.3K resistors.
I don't think adding the two diodes to the top would help sound quality?.
the two diodes (along with an emitter resistor) would be at the bottom side of the circuit, creating a constant current source in place of the two 3.3K resistors.
Yes, sure we can replace the bootstrap circuit and use constant current source instead. But it does not solve the problem with lack off current limitation in Q4.
No, first add Re resistor into the circuit. And the value of this resistor is Re = Vd/(2*IcQ4) = 0.7V/(2 * 5.3mA) = 0.7V/10.6mA ≈ 68Ω but let us pick 47Ω ohms. Next we add two diodes from Vcc to Q4 base. So, for normal operation this two diodes are OFF.
It'll certainly reduce open loop gain, but will it increase distortion? - as it's providing local negative feedback, and thus 'reducing' distortion. As it reduces the need for quite as much overall feedback, it probably leaves distortion pretty much the same?.
The class-A voltage amplifier produces even harmonics distortion that is reduced with the emitter resistor but the output stage produces odd harmonics distortion that needs all the negative feedback it can get to reduce its distortion.
Here is a schematic showing the principle of protecting the VAS and the output transistors without intruding on the fundamental operation of the amplifier. The transistor in the VAS base will add a very small amount of distortion but it will not be significant in relation to the overall performance of the Elliot amp.
Hmm, I have thought about use FM to transmit audio but FM receivers are too complex, so I choose AM instead. New problem raising: MPF102 are not available. Will 2N5484 or 2N5486 or 2SK170 replace MPF102 in the circuit well? **broken link removed**