About putting simulated code in the code repository

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Hi, i wanted to ask whether it is allowed to post code to the code repository which has been tested on a simulator(Proteus). I was getting bored and have just found fun in doing (simple) things that i hadn't done before. Doing hardware here is a drag because of availability. The first one is for a nibble mode LCd with the C18 compiler(next is a two wire lcd). If its ok, i can post it. I will also upload the simulation file too of course Thanks.
Of course you can.... Often the Proteus simulations run better... Just specify that OSC settings must be adhered to, as Protues doesn't sim osc's
Ok thanks. I have done that in the code. Its a 4 MHz oscillator with 1MC=1us. Thanks again. By the way, congrats on becoming super moderator!
Thanks .... It'll take a day or two to appear on the main site...
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