AC zero crossing detection

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New Member
Hi Guys,
I am trying to build a zero crossing detector and came across the following two designs...

Zero Crossing Detector - Electronic Circuits-Circuit Diagram-Electronics Projects-Design

Single Supply Zero Crossing Detector | Circuit Diagram

the 1st design looks simpler although a negative supply is required, my question though is if I used a 0V negative reference wouldn't the output just saturate at 0v rather than -Vcc? This is what I am after ideally. Also I am unsure what the diodes are doing, could someone help me out on this one?

with the 2nd design I dont even know where to start, I cannot figure out what sort of configuration the op-amp is in, could someone give me a clue with this?

Thanks for your help
Hi Eric
Thanks for your response, but could you give some details as to why use circuit 2? What is wrong with using circuit 1 and could you explain some of the theory behind circuit 2?
The second circuit has a Schmitt trigger with hysteresis. There is positive feedback to latch the crossing for a small window around zero crossing.

It is usually a good idea to have some amount of positive feedback Schmitt trigger function on comparitors to prevent 'chatter' indecision due to noise at the comparitor threshold crossing.
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