Accident waiting to happen...

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How geologically stable is that area, quake wise? I'd hate to out at the end of the loop when the shaking started.
I tend to go along with this sentence from the same article:

"But off the reservation, many people regard the development and especially the Skywalk as tantamount to defacing a national treasure."
Whoa, I think someone needs to debouce the submit reply button

Nice triple post, AllVol What happened to the pretty girl in your avator?

I don't think I would want to stand on a glass floor 4000 feet in the air! And it looks like quite the eyesore too
Sorry about that. I was so nervous over the global warming and the magnetic shift that my hand was shaking as poised over the mouse button. I think Nigel is inside the equipment right now, taking down the two extra messages.
Hmm... I am thinking large magnifying glass...

It would be cool to see the bottom from the middle...ish... area, but isn't that was helicopters and skydiving are for? Just think of what would happen if a big gust wind made the balcony start to sway, especially with these global environmental anomalies occurring everywhere...
Let 'em build the silly thing. When it breaks and visitors perish, they'll go bankrupt beyond all help and jump off the cliffs themselves in a suicidal frenzy. Mother nature will mend herself by creating eventual rockslides, burying the mess. A few thousand years from now, future geologists and anthropoligists will escavate a startling discovery and marvel over man's creativeness on fabricating steel beams and strong glass. They'll study over and postulate the ways of an ancient Indian tribe. Then a grad student working alongside them will unearth a perfectly preserved brochure of the resort. Maybe they'll uncover some slot machines too and marvel over the ancient technology of integrated circuits, motors, and flashing lights!!
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