Actual Size Traffic Light Controller WITH SWITCHPACK

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Hello Again, I have a switchpack for an actual traffic light. The switchpack consists of 3 triacs, 3 sample LEDs and so on. There are 3 leads coming from the negative side of each of the test LEDS and one main lead coming from the postive side of all the LEDS (there is a trace connecting them). When you apply +12V DC to the postive side then touch any of the 3 remaining leads to ground (-12V) The same LED will turn on. This simulates that the Triac is working and will turn on and allow 120V AC to flow through it turning on a Bulb.
My problem is, my timing circuits are all backwards. For example my led is connected to ground and awaits a positive pulse to turn it on whenever the counter cycles to it. However the switchpack is always connected to +12V DC awaiting a negative pulse to turn it on. Can anyone offer me advice on how I can build a different circuit so I can implement my switchpack?? Many thanks to all who take the time to read this post.
Triac is a good solid state solution but if you are not able to get it work, try using relays.
Try this circuit:
Use astable multivibrator of 1 second. Using it you will get Green Time = 4 Second, Yellow = 2 Second, Red = 4 Second. Diodes used are 1N4007.
I have not shown Triac connections of other two transistor. They are same as the first one.


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