ADC0804 to PIC16f877a

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Hello, friends i need some help for my project. i am trying to hook up the output from ADC to the pic. what i did was hooking ADC output directly to PORTC of the pic (all 8 bits). is it the correct way?

What i am trying to do is, i am using two ADC one hooking to PORTC and output of the other one hooking up to PORTD. ADC input is light sensor. I am comparing the two ports. Pls give me some idea how am i suppose to do it. Below here is my code of comparing the two ports. The thing is that it is not working. I am not sure either hardware of software problem. Any easy sensor circuit for suggestion for this project. Thanks
It seems to be silly to use an external ADC when the 16F877 has one built in! Are they trying to teach you how to do a task the most expensive and least efficient way? Or is this more about learning how the ADC0804 works?
Maybe post a diagram showing how you've connected the ADC0804 to the PIC. You need more than just the 8 data lines. What about the RD, WR, CS, and INTR pins? Post a diagram to go with your code and repost the code using the code tags so the formatting isn't lost.
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