adc0808 with 89c51

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New Member
i want to interface adc0808 with 89c51 in one of my projects...can anyone tell me how to do that??

i have gone through the data sheet, but the thing i dont understand is the connections required to interface it with 89c51. can anyone provide me the exact diagram and its code in c language??

pls help urgently!!!
actually the main problem is how to generate the clock frequency??
can that be generated by using a resistor and a capacitor??? using the formula
f = 1/1.1RC
will help you

contact me on my mail id.
actually the main problem is how to generate the clock frequency??
can that be generated by using a resistor and a capacitor??? using the formula
f = 1/1.1RC

u can simply use timer IC555
I know circuit will increase
but I am using the same thing for last 4 years

can be done by using controller's clock.. check **broken link removed**

external clock can be given using D-flip flop **broken link removed**

check other ADC0808 projects interfaced with AT89C51.. with free source code, circuit and videos at **broken link removed**
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