Ay Up.
Good to see you found my project usefull mr T.
The circuit in post 1 would be the one to build in that case, with the transistor, led & 1k from post 9 for the I limit led, note the accuracy of the led lighting and I limit taking place is approximate within a few ma, but ok for most applications.
I wanted a precision inidiction that I limit was taking place, for various reasons including the fact the supply went quite noisy during I limit, probably due to the high gain of the I sense transistor in the '723.
You right the I sense resistor at 0r22 should be over 2 amps, maybe the current source part of the circuit isnt behaving, try temporarily disconnecting the collector of the current source and see what current you get.
The circuit in post 1 generates a negative supply for the reg chip and the feedback so its adjustable down to 0 volts, the little pot sets 0v output with the V pot at min.
The reg chip doesn have the current as Al said to drive the 2n3055 for long periods, if again you refer to post 1 you'll see theres an intermediate transistor amplifying the output of the '723.
Bc141's are obsolete now, a Bd139 or Mje340 ought to do the job as well.