adding parallel ports to dos 6.22

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i have a computer with one parralle port but need three. i bought a isa card that has a port on the card and another on a ribbon cable that plugs into the card. my question i have to con figure anything in dos the make them work. like a config file or something?
how can you obtain that information? the only thing i could find was msd. but all it tells me is that there are three ltp ports
Gaston said:
how can you obtain that information? the only thing i could find was msd. but all it tells me is that there are three ltp ports

Look here:

**broken link removed**

On your I/O card they are most likely jumpers, the notes that came with the I/O card should tell you how to set the IRQ's etc.
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do i have to con figure anything in dos the make them work.
Not normally. They should be LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3.

If msd tells you that there are three ltp ports, does it not tell you their addresses?

Your BIOS startup or configuration screen will tell you the addresses.
in msd it just says 3 port. i tried to highlight that box and open it but it didn't work. in the bios it only shows the onboard port
There's a specific BIOS call that reports the parallel port detail, use that to find what you've got.
Did you see the parallel port addresses in the link I posted.

Have you tried to write to the port addresses, use 'debug' as you are running
DOS, to do a write/read check.
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