addressing a smart sensor that uses 16f877

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New Member
I have a project about designing a protocol between smart sensors. First i need to design some sensors. (I'm a beginner about ucontrollers.) I will use pic16f877 because of its ADC and SPI. I will use rs485 protocol between sensorsç But i don't know anything about addressing the sensors. Can i do it with that ucontroller and how? if anyone sends some codes it'll be better. (i use pic c compiler)
Are you going to build these sensors yourself or are they premade? what are these sensors supposed to sense? ...

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If the sensors support 485 comms then the address of the sensor is in the polling packet sent by the master.

MASTER: <STX><SensorID><PleaseTxReading><ETX>

The sensor will then reply with the data requested

SENSOR: <STX><SensorID><HereIsData><ETX>

thanks for your attentions.
it's not important what to sense about thhe sensors. it will sense and the signal will be converted to digital by the ADC in the ucontroller. My problem is how to address the sensors and make them reply when the master want... İ need program codes about that...
Exo said:
Are you going to build these sensors yourself or are they premade? what are these sensors supposed to sense? ...

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thanks for your attentions.
it's not important what to sense about thhe sensors. it will sense and the signal will be converted to digital by the ADC in the ucontroller. My problem is how to address the sensors and make them reply when the master want... İ need program codes about that...
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