Adj/3.3v 3A buck converter.

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Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about selling some of these. Made by me.
They are called Atom-DC/DC . There are 2 versions.

Adjustable (via resistor divider)

Both are set to supply upto 3A of current.

I was thinking of selling them for $12 USD EACH. I have also made
a little program to calculate resistor values for adj version.

The module is SMT OR PTH compatable and I have a eagle library for
Adding it to your projects. I am making a PDF for it as I write this.

Even if I do not sell it the PDF would be good for myself.
Take a look. These 3 are 3.3v versions. All tested and working great so far.

EDIT: Also all parts are from Digikey, PCBs are from OSH park (perhaps for now only). Digikey is highly reliable and all parts are real no FAKES/CLONES.
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Also it can accept a wide range of voltages from 3v to 17v which makes it great for running from a lipo battery.
$12 is kind of speedy. These are great for only $8.25 (max input is only 14v but can be regulated down to 0.6v.

What's a good price In Your mind? I honestly am not the best pricer but for a non automated pcb.. meaning made by hand I think it's pretty good.

Also that regulator is nice but can't be ran from battery (lipo) and is only through hole. Not much flexibility. Also mines has the solder spots for custom resistor divider which is for adj version. So no need to wire in a resistor outside the pcb. I might make the pcb smaller tho. This was designed for my person dev board but since pcbs usually come in multiple of 3 from oshPark or 5-10 from China.. I decided to make all 3.
I think you'll find it very hard to compete with China. Whilst their boards used to be diabolical, now, I can't fault them. To compete, you need to produce something they can't which means protected software. Think of turning a really cheap pic chip into something everyone wants.

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Yeah. The only issue with that is ideas. I mean.. I can build it.... If I knew what it was lol but Ideas... The "It" portion.. I have no clue...

Yeah .. dang China.. but I still gotta hand it to them for pcbs and pricing for us designers. So I can't even be mad haha
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