Advice on this digital scope? May get it Jan 14th.

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I'm pretty close to purchasing one of these **broken link removed** oscilloscopes. They're from mainland China by way of a USA seller who good (100%) rating and quite a few of these in their history. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with the brand or might know how these digital scopes compare to other brands.
For the price I think you can do better used. Brand spanking new even from China is not a good idea for a hobbyist.
I have a Tektronix TDS 1001, I found the same one used before for around 300 on the net. Ive had no problems with mine and i've had it for about 3 years ( it was bought used ). It is 1G sample and 40 Mhz bandwidth, both of which are higher then on the scope you are referring to... But it has no USB and it is a monochrome screen...
I guess if the manufacture you are buying from is offering a warranty and calibration, it might be fine.
But the scope will become your "eyes" so if its not doing something right, you will think its your circuit and go crazy trying to figure it out...

If you do get it post a review here and let us know..

Okay, got a little sidetracked lately, but I took a few pics of the Atten oscilloscope I got. This is the 40MHz version. You can also see the FFT trace in green. So far it's working pretty well. This trace really doesn't do the FFT function much justice because I used rectangular windowing, but you get the general idea.


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If you prefer low-end digital oscilloscopes for hobbyist use, go for Rigol. Also Chinese-made but seems more popular then Atten with more information available on the web. I recently purchased a Rigol DS1052E 50Mhz scope and it has served my purpose well.

I don't like digital oscilloscope with monochrome screen. It's very difficult to differentiate the 2 chanels. The Rigol has color LCD with USB support.
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