Advice on writting a report

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Hello, im giving this assigmnet , and i answered it , but i feel its so bad or has errors , would you try to review the techinical errors in it ? Its really an assignment for a job .. so i wanna be very accurate in answering it to get the job -_- .


Design an outdoor digital clock. This clock consists of four digits, two for the minutes and two for the hours counting separated by the seconds colon. The maximum count should be on the view 12:59 see the attached graph.

The digital output is taken on a set of outdoor LED clusters arranged in 7 segment format with typical load for each digit's segment 800mA. ( Design hint: use 4 of the attached LED cluster to form a segment.) The clusters are connected to the PCB through a set of push connectors.

Adjusting this clock is maintained through two keys. One for fast advancing and the other for slow advancing.

The speed of each is left to you to assign. The clock should keep running accurate even in case of power off state ( by the aid of internal rechargeable battery or any alternatives ( suggest!)

The power is supplied through a 12V DC power supply ( a transformer (220/12) with AC/DC converter on the clock's board. ) the power supply should be acceptable for outdoor applications.

Output: Design the following:

* System Block Diagram.

* Circuit schematic design.

* Firmware if any.


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if you have completed the project, you could also post a photo of the completed project...
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Hi ahmedragia

I don't see a complete block schematic, I mean the power supply in one block, the backup and charger for it in another block, prosesor unit in a block, the interface unit in a block and the read out in a block

I don't see a complete worked out circuit schematic in your report

if that is in there the amount of text could be less and it's understandible much quicker for everybody who will read it

Also the question of handeling the outdoor conditions for the hole unit you should answer with some details how to achieve that

you might say that an IP 54 housing is needed with a transperant cover to read the digits

if I see your report than I don't think it will convince them for hiring you as a design engineer (you're simply not on that level)

It is good posible that you will get an offer for a trainee function.

The report shows eagernes to jump on a task and work it out (by your self )

and that is a valuable attitude that can bring you far and can make yourself very valuable for a company.

As rjvh says, the "outdoor" aspect seems critically important, I suspect they are looking for enviromental suitabilty, not just a circuit. Weather proofness, remote power (solar?). Blow them away with a comprehensive solution dude, display brightness would also seem be of interest, along with moisture proof setting switches. A basic clock is too easy, ramp it up .
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