Apart from other things that I do, I just happen to be a guitar teacher as well.
Finding that it's the guitars is a good start.
"Most likely the pickups or strings are acting like an antennae"
Pickups or strings will never act like antennae unless they loose a ground.
"Magnetic pickups detect any strong magnetic field from motors, transformers, contactors"
Magnetic pickups will never detect any strong magnetic field from motors, transformers, contactors. It would be impossible for a band to play anywhere if they were that sensitive.
Sorry guys but unfortunately you're both wrong here. band equipment will not pick up any electrical interference if in good condition.
eg A guitar is ground linked from the input socket to the switches, pots, pickups and the bridge. The bridge on an electric guitar is metal so the strings are earthed as well. If the guitar looses ground the strings might and often does, pick up the local radio station.
Steve, is it only 1 guitar amp causing the problem ?
If so then it's either the guitar itself has a bad or no ground, the guitar lead bad or no ground or the amplifier bad or no ground. If it's the amp then it's dangerous.
If it's more than 1 amp then either both amps have faults or the building wiring will need to be checked.