Hi Boncuk,,,"hope I spelled that right". Back in the 70's GM's Caddy had a light bar system that indicated fuel usage as you opened up the venturies in the quadrajet carb. This allowed the driver to at least see where he was waisting fuel and he could back-off or feather his throttle pressure, this would change the amount of mileage one could get out of a tank of fuel imensely. Now we have EFI and ECU's with little one one can do to alter there milage,,EXCEPT,,,,, entering alternative combustables into the system without the control of "BIG COMPUTOR" ie big gov,,ha ha. And by doing so one can then circumvent the programs of the computors demands by various methods.
There are those smart enough to kow how to re-program the ECU comands, but you won't really know you are doing any good by a set command unless you (1) have some form of monitoring the use or WASTE of the fuel and ,,(2) the ability to make adjustments to it accordinly.
See thats why everyone who is on the threads for HHO or PLASMA SPARK TECH are doing. THAT is the reason,,,I who spent 27yrs of my 54yrlife plumbing homes, buisness', hospitals and hotels in tghe middle of the permian basin "West Texas Oil field" where you can't safely consume the water,,,where the water eats the copper, brass, chrome and even Stainless Steel, sometimes within a year from it's use in producing THEE petroleum products, where you shouldn't even shower in it!
Thats WHY I am now attempting electronic knowledge so I can MAYBE just maybe find an alternative fuel so you, I and others can still maintain our normal way of life,,,,without sacrificeing my grandchildrens HEALTH.