Airplay audio project

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New Member
Hello world,

I'm so tiered of not having music in my bathroom or kitchen so i want to make a speaker that hooks up with the rest of my stereo.

I'm a big big fan of apple airplay. So what i want to do is make this amplified speaker that plugs in to apple airport express (mini jack), runs on 220v (Europe) and has a volume controller and put it all into a DIY MDF box. And it all has to be fairly small.
Box should be under 25x12x15 cm. all included

Simple simple but i am so confused about what amplifier set i should use.
I can solder but that's about it. Sooo.... i need some help

Thomas - Denmark
There are hundreds of articles about Apple Airplay in Google but none say the radio frequency and modulation type used.
You can research it if you want.

Then you can go to university and learn all about radio transmitters and receivers.
Then you can design and build the remote amplified speaker that is sold everywhere. Or buy one instead.
The project issent that big. Just need amp and speaker that runs on 220v and has a volume control. Im am going to put the airport express into the box and just hook it up via the jack.
Im just vary confused about what building set i should use to get a speaker with volume that runs on 220v.
An LM386 little power amplifier has an output at clipping of 0.45W into an 8 ohm speaker with a +9V supply. You can put a pretty good (not cheap) 4" speaker with a port in your box and be able to hear frequencies down to about 80Hz. The loudness will be like a cheap clock radio. A 9V AC-DC adapter can power it.

Or you can use an amplified computer speaker instead.
Yearh, i was think more like 10w or so and 220v powered. That the idea is exactly what i need . Cant find any cheap pc speakers that has an amp and no sub. Course that would be easy to just mod something and throw it in a box....
Buy an amplifier kit and a power supply kit for it. Then buy a 4" speaker driver for your box.
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