Alexa reporting South Africa

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I did a search on AAC and there is nothing on "South Africa" only "Nigeria 3.7% not sure how accurate that is?
Only two ways that number can increase tvtech ...

I know your a glass half-full type, and at times, I hope that is the case in the increase of members from South Africa.

Both AAC and ETO have similar bounce rates, you know people visiting one page and leaving. Time on site and page views are relatively close also.

That is probably typical for the typical user. Look at any question and answer forum, you will high bounce rates, little time on page views and time on site.

ETO's sister ... reports similar numbers. is a narrower focused group and it shows with a lower bounce rate and higher times on pages and times on site.

such is the life of an internet forum.
I mean I know of only myself who posts here regularly

Tonight for the second night in a row...we are there?

Maybe you need to be carefull there TV, it could be secret police keeping an eye on what you are saying about South Africa!

Maybe you need to be carefull there TV, it could be secret police keeping an eye on what you are saying about South Africa!


Hi Jim

No worries from me. I always tell it like it is and that is that. Let the uneasy truth be told. I actually hope "they" have started monitoring this forum . .."they" could learn something.

Not all rosy here in South Africa as "they" make it out to be.

....."they" being the anc..."they" are not worthy of Caps. Might of been in Mandela's days....not anymore

..."they" seem to to be stumbling from one crisis to another lately. The last Twenty Years of running infrastructure into the ground and getting rid of knowledgeable people to make make place for "politically correct" cadres is catching up with a speed..

Maintenance. Big word that cadres cannot associate with. If built from concrete or steel...they last forever....or if it is there and working for the last 20 Years...why touch it....

From Sewerage systems to piping to absolutely everything that is collapsing....hey seals never need replacing. They last forever

And so it goes on. What "they" cannot physically see is wrong "they" do not worry about.

No quick money or handouts or tenders for repairing things....

Good money lies in fresh building new things and ignoring the maintenance of good reliable systems/infrastructure that was there to start with.

I will put this out there as a dare:

If there is any anc lackey out there monitoring this Forum and believes I am talking nonsense...defend yourself. Be a Man/Woman. Do anything. Say something.

Defend zuma if you want. Discuss, don't monitor.

Looking forward to hearing from you. And grow a pair of balls if you have none.

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Maybe you need to be carefull there TV, it could be secret police keeping an eye on what you are saying about South Africa!


You see Jim

You got me started. Thank you.

I will keep quite now that the challenge is set. Let "them" forever talk or hold their "piece". Or argue facts and stuff.

PS: I sent Nigel a PM. Told him I love him. I do but like wrong message and all that. In fact, I was going to post all of you the same all came out wrong....

Maybe I am so happy just to be here and be able to speak about stuff. An outlet of note for me.

It's like I dunno....maybe a therapy thing. Seriously.

But anyway, you folks have that knack of sometimes responding to stuff, or maybe ignoring it...

I seriously love you all. You know me well

It's not just South Africa Pretty much the same here in the US. They can fix after a catastrophic failure but not be for. 50-50 chance those that die will be in the other political party I guess.
One of the boats that I work on, the captain said that the owner was more in to crisis management instead of preventative maintenance.
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