Hello All, I am looking for some help on a homemade test device that is probably 30= years old and the transformer appears to have burned up and needs to be replaced.
It has as an input: 110V AC and 12V DC. The inputs are run through a switch and then the 110V passes through a transformer, then through diodes - as in the drawing. Then it passes on to the resistors and caps.
Could someone please explain how this suppose to work? I assume the power input from the 110V line is varied to induce a load on the alt. What I need to do is determine the size and voltage output of the transformer as it is kiplut.... Any help would be appreciated. I can tell you the large resistor is 1 ohm, the small resistor is 2 ohm the large cap is 71000mf small is 32000mf.
Thanks again for any help!