Marks did you get the solution? How much capacity of your video card? I think its more than 256 MB.
It is a crappy little nVIDIA geforce 6600 (256mb, but it gets fairly hot when playing games... i wonder why... [now since i know people will take that seriously, that was a rhetorical question. i do know why...
Marks, there's a program called speedfan that will monitor your PC's temperature and automatically adjust any fans in your PC that are capable of being adjust (usually the CPU fan)
There is a problem, though. Two of my fans connect directly to the molex connectors. Sure, my CPU fan and my third case fan might work with it (connected to the mobo), but the other two won't.
Did you say your machine is pushing 100 degrees F when loaded? No wonder it's so loud, you're massivly over cooling your machine =O
That could very well be... I did notice a slight increase in room temperature when the third fan was added... I honestly don't remember why i added the third fan... Oh! I remember! My old video card didn't have a fan on it, so i added the third fan so my vid card didn't overheat while doing some intense gaming...
So it could be that i am "over cooling" my computer? That sounds pretty odd...
It kinda makes SOME sense, though. Basically, the more heat i take out, the more it is able to produce? Yes? No? I think i may be confused...
care to explain so i don't hurt myself?
either you have VERY shitty fans of your air flow is totally messed up
Well, they aren't the greatest fans (the one that connects to the mobo is a very nice fan, however... The two fans that came with my case are crap, though. I have had to make repairs on them (the LEDs were just kinda soldered where the fell..., so i had to mod them so the LEDs wouldnt rub...))