There are some incredibly cheap up-converter modules available from Banggood (and other Chinese suppliers), the entire modules are cheaper than you can just the chip, or just the inductor, for example this 2A one:
I'm currently using two of these in a project, one converts a car battery supply to 24V to feed the charger for a LiIon battery (4 cells need more than the 12V available), the other converts the output from the LiIon to 24V to feed a solenoid. At 54 pence each (in tens) they are silly money.
If you want more than 2A, then they have various larger ones available as well - although at 54 pence you could use one per fan!
If you get any of these, I'll warn you now - you turn the pot anti-clockwise to increase the voltage, and it takes
LOAD'S of turns before you see any effect - every one I've used I thought was faulty
, but keep screwing and 'whoops - there it is!'