alternative transistor and ic

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New Member
did anyone knows what transistor is similar to BC108 and what other ic should i use to replace ht2811 sound chip?

tnx 4 any help!
ei colin, how can i connect another cmos 4026 and 7segment display to make my display up to 99 in the circuit in this site:
**broken link removed**

tnx, ur making my project a lil easy job. tnx a lot!!
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The 4026's can be cascaded. Out pin 5 goes to pin 1 (clock) of the next chip.

The 4026's have current limiting on the outputs so you don't need a resistor.
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what do you actually mean of being cascaded? should i use same components to connect with the pins of the second 4026 or should i leave it hanging?

tnx a lot!!
Yes. connect the second 4026 exactly like the first 4026.
Now, connect the output (pin 5) of the first chip to pin 1 of the second chip.
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