AM detector

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i have made a AM detector. Anyone tell me about the quality of this detector?


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Just a quick note...
Is that a very high current rectifier diode (25 amps)? That's not the right kind for something like this if it really is a high current diode
as the operating frequency is much lower than you really need for a detector diode.
Typical diodes used for this kind of thing are 1N4148 and germanium types the part numbers someone else here can provide
(like 1N34 or something like that).
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You need a low pass filter which will cut-off above the highest frequency of the signal being modulated.
The resistor values are very low and might load down the circuit feeding it.
I forgot that load impedance must be factored in to the resistor calculation.
this only need to use the circuit buffer to match the in-out impedance . i mean how the frequency respone of detector is. is it flat in audio freqs and does it need more components ?
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