Amplification of High frequency wave

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New Member
I want to amplify a wave of 10MHz frequency. Readily available opamps like 741 and op07 wil not serve this requirement. Please suggest me better opamp which is readily available.
You really need to give FAR more details, your question is much too vague to answer.
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wave shape= sine
gain= around 100 to 1000

will you please elaborate on 'FAR' as to what exactly you need
Must we also guess what your input and output maximum voltages will be? If it is a sine wave, may we guess that response above and below this frequency is not required?
wave shape= sine
gain= around 100 to 1000

will you please elaborate on 'FAR' as to what exactly you need

You've told us almost nothing about the requirement, even the extra information above isn't anyhere near enough - for a start we need to know EXACTLY what it's for.
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