Amplifier components

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New Member
I am wanting to experiment with amplifier can someone please tell me the common components used, I have got a TBA810S amplifier and I have searched for some circuits but I would just like to some of the common components to experiment with.
The datasheet for the obsolete TBA810S shows a recommended circuit that uses many resistors and capacitors.
It is in a small awkward case which makes it difficult to cool properly.

There are hundreds of modern amplifier ICs available in cases that are easy to attach to a finned heatsink. Some need very few resistors and capacitors.
The datasheet for the obsolete TBA810S shows a recommended circuit that uses many resistors and capacitors.
It is in a small awkward case which makes it difficult to cool properly.

It's a REALLY old IC, and as you say, complicated to use and mount.
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