amplifying a signal using AD620

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New Member

I am having some issues amplifying the signal I am getting from my load cell. The load cell needs 12V input supply. I tried using MCP602 but it doesn't work. then I tried using AD620 still it does not work. could anyone please help me with supplying the full schematic or a drawing for the circuit which can amplify the signal using AD620AN Instrumentation Amp. seems like it is always giving me 0.69 as my output for some reason. I have read all the other posts but those did not really help. (please provide the full schematic or the drawing). I really need it ASAP as I am working on my final year project.

I would really appreciate your help.

Thank you...
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hi lp,
If you post the circuit you have tried with the AD620 it makes it easier for us to help you.

I guess you know that the AD620 is designed to work from a dual power supply?

Also how is Vref connected on pin 5.?

hi lp,
If you post the circuit you have tried with the AD620 it makes it easier for us to help you.

I guess you know that the AD620 is designed to work from a dual power supply?

Also how is Vref connected on pin 5.?


I just got it right. I wasn't aware of using a dual supply. anyways do you know why it does not work with MCP602?

photo is attached:

Thank you very much for your quick reply. Really appreciate it


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... anyways do you know why it does not work with MCP602?...

It too likely needs a dual supply. You also need an opamp with very low offset, and you need to match the resistors to better than 0.1%
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