amplitude divisor

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New Member
i have an ac signal and i want an amplitude divisor but with a resistor i add an offset . how can i divide the amplitud without an offset?? thanks
jovabiot said:
i have an ac signal and i want an amplitude divisor but with a resistor i add an offset . how can i divide the amplitud without an offset?? thanks

You use a potential divider - I don't quite see what you mean by an 'offset', perhaps you had better explain further!.

my initial signal in from -1 to 1 volt, and with two resistors i do an amplitude divisor but from 0 to 500mV, and i want from -250mV to 250mV. how i do it?
Re: divisor

jovabiot said:
my initial signal in from -1 to 1 volt, and with two resistors i do an amplitude divisor but from 0 to 500mV, and i want from -250mV to 250mV. how i do it?

A simple two resistor potential divider will do exactly that, if the input is positive the output will be positive, is the input is negative the output will be negative. With a resistor ratio of 3 to 1, and an input of -1V to +1V, the output will be -250mV to +250mV.
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