analog meter sensor...

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would someone mind to help... ?

my project is about meter monitoring system... particularly power meter..
part of it is getting the meter reading
instead of digitalizing it, i decided to use the existing analog one and was the most used meter here in our country...i came to this decision because of the cost of the project...its cheaper and practical..
i need ur suggestions pls....
how can i do so? yes..probably using sensor or scanner....but what particularly is it?
and what is the best thing to do in able to read the meter at high accuracy?
I need to send that reading wirelessly..
tnx a lot...
replies are appreciated...
the picture of the meter is attached


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Can you modify the meter, or are you stuck trying to do it without breaking the seal on the meter?
tnx for the reply sir...

i can modify the meter and stall something inside of it...

also in-part of this design is the wireless disconnection of line.. therefore i really have to break the seal...

any idea sir?

tnx in advance
Back when we had analog meters like your picture, the power company could install a remote Watt-Hour counter for those homeowners who had a dog in the back yard. They modified the rotating disc inside the meter so that it tripped an electrical contact once per revolution. Each pulse advanced a remote counter, mounted on the front of the house, so the meter reader could read the meter without going the back yard. Once a year or so, they made an appointment to go into the back yard to confirm the main meter reading against the remote counter. Now a days, we have RFID remote reading meters that the power company can read from the street.

If you can get inside the meter, how about using an opto-interrupter to detect the rotation of the disc. I think there are already holes in the disc. This would give you one or more logic-level pulses per revolution of the disc, which you can accumulate in a u-controller. The gearing of the disc to the pointers on the meter face is absolute, and usually printed on the meter face.
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