I`m making analog synth from http://musicfromouterspace.com/.
PCB was made by my own with Altium Designer
Now when it`s not working at all,
I noticed that not every component connects with ground as it should according to schematics.
For example chip LM13700 pinX should go directly to ground, but when I see Ground netlist in Altium, I see that it`s not connected.
I used auto-route during routing process.
Soooo my question is should ground connect directly to all component pins as schematics show, or can it connect somehow though other components? As soon as synth has switches it seems that ground could connect trough switches. But if schematics show that chip pin goes directly to ground, why it`s not wired?
I add some photos for reference. In Schematic sheet you can see that 13 pin of IC4 connects with ground, but on Pcb there is no connection
Chained grounds in most designs asking for trouble.
From analog CM noise generation to digital ground bounce causing
logic errors just not recommended. Power busses want to be "stiff", low
Z, low L, low R, well bypassed across at minimum spectrum of operation.