Q6 needs a compensation cap to roll off the gain above 25khz or so as AG has said. Q7 needs to be able to sink the base current of Q6 to ground, and cannot do that as-is. your bias pot should be on the emitter side of the Vbe multiplier, not the collector side. if the pot should fail (not real common, but it does happen) by going open circuit or by the wiper going open from dirt or oxidation, the bias transistor will turn full on, shutting down the bias on the output devices. the amp will still work with some crossover distortion. if a collector connected pot goes open, the bias transistor goes open circuit, running the output devices at or beyond their max current and they will short, and take the driver transistors, and Q6 and possibly Q7 along with them.
you might want to move C6 to where R1 is, R1 to where C1 is, and C1 to where C6 is. the bootstrap cap doesn't have to be very large, but the speaker coupling cap has to be large, and it's best not to have speaker terminals that are live with DC voltage (but designers of class D bridged amps do that all the time without it being much of a safety hazard).
btw, this amp will have a pretty hefty turn-on thump through the speaker when it's turned on, so realize when it does that it's normal for this type of amp.