Animate mode speed with Junebug

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I have just picked up my Junebug again after a few long months! After making LEDs flash, remembering how to debounce switches and finding out how much I've forgotten.. I think I might be ready to do something useful

I found a thread from last year. I hadn't played with animate mode before, but it seems really slow.

It takes a few seconds for MPLAB to cycle through. Is this normal? I assume so, which (sadly) makes it a little useless.
Limit the amount of variables you're watching and don't run the 32kHz Oscillator

OSCCON = 0x72

Will run it at 8MHz and debug will go much faster.

you can make MPLAB faster by adjusting the animation value

(explination in the attached pictures)


  • first.JPG
    81.7 KB · Views: 124
  • second.JPG
    66.6 KB · Views: 131
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