Another PIC Programmer

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Hi, i stumbled upon this programmer available with Jaycar Electronics,

**broken link removed**

I know it doesn't rival the PICkit2 but for people who do not have access to say components such as the 18F2550(my case had to import it!), i believe this is an easy to built programmer with very commonly available components. The schematic is available on the website. It uses winpicprog for downloading the code.


PS: I know its a serial programmer so leave that part out.
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I used to think that DIY programmers were great but in the end found that they are flakey and end up wasting a lot of time. If you want something that works well, perhaps you should just get the prebuilt PICKit2 - which is about half the price of the Jaycar kit. The PK2 also allows for ICD and programming OTG (irmware deployment without a PC).
It certainly doesn't, WinPicProg only supports parallel port programmers, and doesn't support 30F series devices.

Hi Nigel, i stand corrected. I was supposed to write WIN PIC Programmer. This is the programming software i was talking about. It supports quite a few ICs as seen there.

DL4YHF's WinPic - A PIC Programmer for Windows

@ doug, thanks for the info. I am already the proud owner of a Junebug(thanks to Bill! ). I just posted this because a lot of times people have difficulty getting their hands on components and this here can be made with commonly available ones and also the IC support list is not bad.
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