Antenna Matching

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I built this TV re-transmitter. It takes the output from a VCR or such and retransmits it. It works good with the 75 ohm dummy load (good picture and sound, nice 66 Mhz. sine wave output) but when I attach it to a simple dipole antenna the output is distorted and I can't pick up the signal on the TV. I think it's because I can't tune it to the antenna???? Any ideas.


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More likely, the reflected impedance from the antenna pulls the oscillator off frequency.
What is the length of the dipole? Here's a dipole impedance calulator to help you determine the proper size.
Use 75 ohm coax and do the open air loops as suggested by the link in post #3. Thay well help reduce reflectoins.
Thanks for all the tips!

I think I may not have made the antenna length as colse as I might have - I used 66 Mhz. for channel 4. I should have used 69 for the center of it.
The balun may also help.
I think the layout is okay but I will keep the resistors in my back pocket if the others don't fix it.
I was afraid I had made a basic mistake - maybe it will work after all.
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