Any book with Analysis?

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Hi there,

Does everybody know if there is any book containing different circuits and schematics with ANALYSIS for them? I have several books about varieties of circuits containing different schematics, but no or small technical info is included, besides nothing about analysis of the contained circuits.
I am wondering if I was unlucky to find any circuit book with analysis included, Or there is no such book due to some reason???!
Guessing you want something like college EE texts. The texts I kept from college are : "Microelectronic Circuits" Sedra/Smith, or "Basic Circuit Theory" Huelsman, or "An Introduction to Circuits with Electronics: An Integrated Approach" Belanger / Adler / Rumin. They each do some circuit analysis stuff. Hope this helps

"Microelectronic Circuits" Sedra/Smith,

Yup, really simple and good text. Easy to read and comes with good examples.

The best way to learn circuit analysis (if you don't know nothing about it) is to really learn circuit analysis from scratch. Don't try to understand complex circuits, you'll be confused as hell. Most typical circuits you'll see will involve negative feedback and well known difficult to understand circuit designs (cascodes, class c,d,etc amplifiers, current mirrors...). Read a book about electronics and you'll be fine.

A book that's very good if you don't want the theoretical part of circuit analysis is The Art of Electronics, by Horowitz and Hill. It's not the type of book that an engineer should have as his/her primary reference, but it's VERY useful and REALLY good. Worth every penny.

And I assumed that you want to learn electronics, and you should be pretty confident with capacitors, resistors, inductors, two-port parameters, laplace transform and stuff in order to try to REALLY understand electronical circuits.

Normal electrical circuit analysis is a whole different matter. If you meant that kind of analysis, then go for the Schaum's Outline of Circuit Analysis. Plenty of exercises. And that's what's needed in this area: exercises, exercises and exercises.


You are looking in the wrong kind of books. Books with complex circuits usually assume that you know the basics so they don't spend all that much time in analysis. So you need to learn the basics first, and for that I used these books:

"Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory", Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky
"Electronic Circuits, Digital and Analog", Charles Holt

here are the cheapest vendors for these books:

boylestad - electronic devices and circuit theory - AbeBooks

holt - electronic circuits - AbeBooks
electronman you're better off looking on the net for that kind of information, there's plenty of it out there. Not gonna find many books with what you're looking for. Basically what you'd want to do is read books and information on the net to learn how to do basic AC/DC analysis and then analysis the circuits yourself.
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