Any Idea about this music

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Active Member
I heard this music in a customercare, while the phone calls were on a queue.
The worst thing is that i've got hooked-up to this music. So i feel like calling them for no other reason, but to hear the music. Any idea about the music?

I recorded it using my phone, and here's a sample of it. I'm not surpassing the copyright, if any. Sorry for Bad Quality.


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Indian more than likley, based on what it sounds like and the fact that it's a call center. If you're looking for the specific song you'll need someone that knows Indian music better than I (which is just about not at all)
Hmm - I'm actually thinking Spanish, or Moroccan; that's a really wild-a**ed guess, though...
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Dunno where YOU are located, but in the UK you can just use the keys down the centre of the keypad (2580) then hit send. Next, hold the phone to the music source and if the service recognises the tune, you get an SMS.

More in-depth details:
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