Any Idea for a DIY Sensor?

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New Member
Hello guys,
I am a newbie here,

I just want to design an ultrasonic sensor/transducer for a burglar system project.
I just like to design and build the sensor by myself so please do not tell me go and buy a piezo ultrasonic sensor. the center resonance freq would be about 40kHz.

I am thinking on a magnetic transducer. anybody have done a similar task .Any idea for doing so?
the problems of using a tweeter:
1: they are not too directional, And let the waves to propagate from their sides I think .
2: they are not centered at 40kHz.

P.s1. I saw a peizo inside an tweeter too, while it had within a big wounding, So what was the reason of using the piezo insided?

Thanks for any help.
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Ok, So no idea!

The second question which comes up:
Which software is used to simulate the behaviors of ultrasonic transducers (like directivity) in air please???
rule no. 1: Don't tell people what they need to do when you're asking questions or for help.
The rest you'll figure it out yourself.

Burglars are human. there are some sensors which respond to humans presence. Elaborate on your setup plan, then you'll get help. And please don't be arrogant, even if you don't intend so. Type your questions with tactfulness.
You can make an electromagnetic ultrasound transducer by making a dynamic speaker with a very low mass and very stiff cone. It will probably take a lot of experimentation before you can even tell if its working, and then a lot more to obtain efficiency suitable for an intrusion detector.
The testing period could take a long time. Every time you are robbed, you will know it did not work...
Magnetic, there is no such software that I'm aware of, software like that is special purpose, basically you'd have to write it yourself. For an extremely high degree of directionality you'd need to make a parametric array, it can't be done with a single element.
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It would be extremely difficult for you to make a dynamic tweeter that works up to 10kHz. A manufactured dynamic tweeter works up to 25kHz.
A manufactured dynamic ultrasonic transducer might work as high as 40kHz but its output might be very low because it is small and fragile.

A piezo tweeter is a whistle. It has many peaks and dips in its frequency response and goes up to about 27kHz.
A Piezo ultrasonic transducer is designed to resonate at 40kHz so it is fairly sensitive. You won't be able to make one.
My local supplier sells ultrasonic transducers, they are cheap and only have a bandwidth of 2kHz

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You can probably buy capacitive ultrasonic traducers with a wider bandwidth but they'll be expensive.

Sorry for bothering, Maybe my broken English is the main problem!
I will try to do so, thanks and sorry gain.


Which parametrs are important when doing so, The number of windings or the the size/shape of the Cone?

Thanks for the reply,

Can you or other guys suggest me the software used to create the below pic?

A paramteric array?!! Why they are called "parametric Array"s? any formula/idea how much of directivity I can expect by a such thing?? How to do so whith a single element?


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I hope you will take this as constructive: What you are proposing to do is quite difficult for somebody experienced in the art of acoustic transducer design, and it appears that you do not have the experience. You would have to build a large body of knowledge in order to make such a transducer, and frankly speaking, the only way to do that is to be in the business for several years. Your best bet is to buy transducers. If it is your goal to enter that business, I suggest that you hire somebody who has the required experience, or get into the business yourself and learn on the job. You are unlikely to find the kind of hand-holding and step-by-step assistance that you would need to develope this transducer posting on a forum, and even though this is a forum related to electronics, I doubt this is the best place to find that kind of advice anyway.

I only hope to save you from a lot of expense and frustration, and wish you well in your project.
ok thanks, so I will not continue of making one.
But I hope Sceadwian responses my Question at post No 15 about Parametric arrays.
Parametric array - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You now know as much as I do about them. They can be quiet complex to implement because they require phasing the transducers outputs. You can't do it with a single element, though you might get something similar by using a carefully constructed resonant cavity with baffels, kind of like the opposite of a muffler. No idea how you'd go about constructing one though.
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