Any suggestions on an electronics breadboard lesson book for a kid?

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Well-Known Member
My 8 year old son is an avid learner and is currently excited about electronics. I got him the snap circuits kits through 750, and some of the side kits light lights, but he has completed them all and is eager for more, and I definitely think that should be encouraged.

I have made a few lessons for him with a breadboard, like how a transistor works, 555 timer, and a relay driver. But he goes through them quickly and they take me a long time to design. With the snap circuits he used to be occupied all day but the booklets have run out.

Can someone recommend a book with a lot of beginner level projects that could be done on a breadboard and with gator clips? I can supply breadboards, parts, and wires. I just don't have a good way to produce that many projects for him. Sure I show him some things in my lab, but he is homeschooling all day with my wife and I need to work. A website with projects to print out would be good as well. He's learning really fast and I want to keep that momentum going.

Thanks for any advice!
After that, teach him to design his own PCBs and work from scratch!
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