Anybody every used TRXQ1 wireless tranceivers

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unch crunch

New Member
Hi, I'm trying to build a remote controlled vehicle using an 8051 based micro-controller (phillips lpc935). Basically the plan is to send commands from hyperterminal on a PC to a TRXQ1 in conjunction with a max232 connected to the serial port. This in turn will send the commands wirelessly to another TRXQ1 attached to the micro-controller. Two stepper motors are connected to the micro and their direction of rotation is controled by recieved commands. The commands are just ascii values of whatever command characters are typed into hyperterminal. I written a small C program to sit on micro-controller with switch statements depicting the relative commands so,for example if 'F' is typed into hyperterminal and then received by the micro, both motors turn forward. Anyway, I never used one of these TRXQ1 devices before, so any help setting it up would be greatly appreciated. Here's the spec sheet
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Many thanks,

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Never used them, but the TRXQ1 is a 'SMART' transceiver, which means it accepts and outputs standard serial data, the transceiver does the enclding required. So it should be pretty trival to use, just follow the datasheet, particularly the RF600T one (as the TRXQ1 datasheet advises).
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