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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Anybody here have the first clue about the US Dollar or credit or how its created?

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New Member
When I stop to think about all the things the American people are investing their time with at this point in history like: channel surfing televison, video games, following professional sports, hollywood movies, partying, TV news and newspapers, fiction novels and the list goes on. I'm left wondering when will Americans get it. Will is take the UN Gestapo security forces to start herding people into internment camps to wake up to the NOW of the world.

How many people saw the Matrix and thought, wow, that was a great movie? Wait, never mind that, I can already hear the utterings of ignorant rebuttle to that. Save it, dont focus on the wrong thing. Knowing that predictable ignorant response of opinion would follow. It's no wonder to me, that the vast majority of you haven't the faintest idea of what is really happeining in the world today. Nor do you have the faintest clue of what your ignorance will cost you in the real world terms of tomorrow.

If you know who Paris Hilton is; (uselessly famous rich slut), but you don't know who Ben Bernanke, or Mayer Rothschild are then your fate is pretty much sealed. When the time comes and it already has by the way, you can add Ignorant and incompetant Federal Slave to your job title, that is, if you have a job at all.

If you know were to go in Black Ops level 3 to find some trick hidden weapon, but you can't explain in simple terms why America has no more middle class jobs anymore. or why so many milliions of Americans are loosing their homes every year now. Well then, I'd have to say you have got your priorities all wrong.

If you only took a hour a day to begin to understand the true nature of the American dollar as it exsists today or what credit is and how it relates to world events. At least you would be in a position to answer some simple questions on the subject. You might at least have a fighting chance when it all cuts loose in the inevetable and forthcoming collapse.

For example: It is well settled law, stare decisis actually, that banks are not allowed to lend their depositors money nor are they allowed to lend credit, so where does the money come from that is used to buy a house or a car when you borrow from them?

Or, In 1933 a national banking emergency was declared by the President and all banks were closed for several days during which all the people's privately owned GOLD was confiscated by the government under threat of ten years in prison. PRIVATE Gold ownership was then declared illegal. At the same time US currency was removed from the gold exchange standard, meaning there was no longer any gold supporting the currency. Later, in 1965 all silver was removed from the currency, so what exactly is being used to support the paper "dollar"? Why does the world still accept it despite the fact that it has a declared vaue of exactly nothing, as is documented by the IRS in their own tax code manual?

Who controls the printing and coinage of money in America?

What does it say in the constitutiony about Money.

What is fractionalized banking?

Anybody up to the challenge is who know anything about the US Dollar who knows the answers to these very basic questions? Go ahead give it a shot. Impress me and prove your not just another sheeple lacky Federally owned slave ont the plantation of the new mellinium. I'm guessing most of you will end up on the auction block befor you even know

There is lots more I could say on the subject. So lets hear what you think... I can say this, once you do know the truth about the dollar, and banks and MONEY and how it all really works, then you just might have a chance in the world to escape the bonds of enslavement and a lifetime of indoctrination to help prepare you for the forthcoming and inevitable conclusion of the story of the U.S. DOLLAR happening all around you and gettting closer every day.
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Well, you are right and wrong.

You are wrong about when we came off the gold standard.

Nixon pulled us off the gold standard in '71.

The dollar is supported by bullcrap in the stock exchange.

It is paper holding up paper.
I smell something in the air? Oh, yes. (A CHALLENGE)

Ok, I have pre-sliced some of this "PIE" (Pretty interesting Examples)

Anybody want a slice.:D:D:D

When I stop to think about all the things the American people are investing their time with at this point in history like: channel surfing televison, video games, following professional sports, hollywood movies, partying, TV news and newspapers, fiction novels and the list goes on. I'm left wondering when will Americans get it. Will is take the UN Gestapo security forces to start herding people into internment camps to wake up to the NOW of the world.

How many people saw the Matrix and thought, wow, that was a great movie? Wait, never mind that, I can already hear the utterings of ignorant rebuttle to that. Save it, dont focus on the wrong thing. Knowing that predictable ignorant response of opinion would follow. It's no wonder to me, that the vast majority of you haven't the faintest idea of what is really happeining in the world today. Nor do you have the faintest clue of what your ignorance will cost you in the real world terms of tomorrow.

If you know who Paris Hilton is; (uselessly famous rich slut), but you don't know who Ben Bernanke, or Mayer Rothschild are then your fate is pretty much sealed. When the time comes and it already has by the way, you can add Ignorant and incompetant Federal Slave to your job title, that is, if you have a job at all.

If you know were to go in Black Ops level 3 to find some trick hidden weapon, but you can't explain in simple terms why America has no more middle class jobs anymore. or why so many milliions of Americans are loosing their homes every year now. Well then, I'd have to say you have got your priorities all wrong.

If you only took a hour a day to begin to understand the true nature of the American dollar as it exsists today or what credit is and how it relates to world events. At least you would be in a position to answer some simple questions on the subject. You might at least have a fighting chance when it all cuts loose in the inevetable and forthcoming collapse.

For example: It is well settled law, stare decisis actually, that banks are not allowed to lend their depositors money nor are they allowed to lend credit, so where does the money come from that is used to buy a house or a car when you borrow from them?

Or, In 1933 a national banking emergency was declared by the President and all banks were closed for several days during which all the people's privately owned GOLD was confiscated by the government under threat of ten years in prison. PRIVATE Gold ownership was then declared illegal. At the same time US currency was removed from the gold exchange standard, meaning there was no longer any gold supporting the currency. Later, in 1965 all silver was removed from the currency, so what exactly is being used to support the paper "dollar"? Why does the world still accept it despite the fact that it has a declared vaue of exactly nothing, as is documented by the IRS in their own tax code manual?

Who controls the printing and coinage of money in America?

What does it say in the constitutiony about Money.

What is fractionalized banking?

Anybody up to the challenge is who know anything about the US Dollar who knows the answers to these very basic questions? Go ahead give it a shot. Impress me and prove your not just another sheeple lacky Federally owned slave ont the plantation of the new mellinium. I'm guessing most of you will end up on the auction block befor you even know

There is lots more I could say on the subject. So lets hear what you think... I can say this, once you do know the truth about the dollar, and banks and MONEY and how it all really works, then you just might have a chance in the world to escape the bonds of enslavement and a lifetime of indoctrination to help prepare you for the forthcoming and inevitable conclusion of the story of the U.S. DOLLAR happening all around you and gettting closer every day.
How'd you do that? Very sneaky... I LIKE IT.

Bravo, Herr Killivolt. Bravo! ... I wish I had taken a little time to proof read it better and correct the typos and such, but se la vie.
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How'd you do that? Very sneaky... I LIKE IT. Bravo, Heir Killivolt. Bravo

It is nothing my good man. ~Ta` Ta`~

Ergo a Tilde or 2. then buckle my shoe. Three - Four and shut the door.

Take a guess at what 5-6 is results in........................hahahahahahahahah:D

True, I've been pouring through my quarters looking for pre 1965 silvers and sub-consciously entered that erroneous number, nonetheless...I was wrong there.

Hmmm. sounds like you had some pie of your own making?

Okay your still on the right path there,

I'm not on a path. There are no paths or roads I travel.

I can take the high road and you can take the low one!

but what exactly is it that supports the paper? It's not just imaginary, it's real and has real energy.

Energy cannot be created or distroyed. Only transformed.

By the way I can do time travel too! AS LONG AS "EM" My ElectroMaster will let me.


A Latin word meaning "therefore." In logic, ergo means the conclusion of a preceding argument, as in Cogito ergo sum.


Especially in lexicography the "tilde" as a separate character or swung dash (⁓) is used in dictionaries to indicate the "omission" of the entry word.

o·mis·sion (-mshn)
1. The act or an instance of omitting.
2. The state of having been omitted.
3. Something omitted or neglected.
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True, I've been pouring through my quarters looking for pre 1965 silvers and sub-consciously entered that erroneous number, nonetheless...I was wrong there.
Okay your still on the right path there, but what exactly is it that supports the paper? It's not just imaginary, it's real and has real energy.
but what exactly is it that supports the paper? It's not just imaginary, it's real and has real energy.

The only thing that supports modern currency is public confidence. When that confidence is gone it just reverts to being scraps of paper. You know why the Australian economy has been largely unaffected by the GFC ? It's because the Chinese have lost confidence in the US$. They are not letting anymore of their profits enter thr US financial system. What they are doing is stockpiling raw resources ( coal , iron ore , bauxite , lead etc) for future use & hence driving the Australian economy to a huge rate of growth. Yes , one day it will all come tumbling down because it is largely artificial.
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