Anyone done a bluetooth mesh network? (Or zigbee)

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A current project MAY (in the future) need to have multiple wireless nodes. I'm thinking bluetooth mesh or (more expensive) Zigbee mesh.
Anyone any experience with these topologies (sp?)? Any links to examples would be greatly appreciated.



Possibilities....If you go down this route I would work with the Infineon community support.

Regards, Dana.
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We made large Zigbee networks. Don't use 2.4ghz for outdoors. Use 900mhz or I there are some other versions.
Some additional resources for Bluetooth Mesh can be found here:

If you like a nice video lecture giving easy to understand over-view, it is here:

You can experiment and get started with Bluetooth Mesh using nRF52 Development Kits. You can read developer documentation here:
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