I worried I may have phrased that wrong as I did some chores this morning, and apparently I was right. What I meant was a beautiful, talented woman is all that matters. She is both a treasure and a resource. I was definitely not criticizing asking from where she came. Please accept my apology.
My parents were barely first generation Americans, and I am accustomed to talking about our heritage. I think it is great for countries to be open to others. Most Americans I have met are proud of their heritage.
The only time I was even slightly offended by a question like that was when I visited a classmate's family over a holiday. I was from LA, California; he was from an established Connecticut family, as in DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). As I walked in the door, his mom greeted me by asking where my father was from and what did he do. I felt something like having my pedigree checked to be sure I was socially acceptable.