From what I know about tvtech I think that he would be delighted that a thread which was started about him, is now drifting all over the place.
I'm alive. Thanks for posting Mickster.
Decided I'm not taking crap from noone anymore.
Especially pomptious people that actually know squat. We have many here in SA. It's guessing all the way.
Free for all. Best guess wins. Owner of the business is doing Flat Screens. His technician is GOOGLE. No experience. Using GOOGLE to repair stuff....
Anyway, that's his lot to deal with. I rather stick with what I know. CRT.
I have NEVER been so busy. Just doing what I know best. And not taking **** from any Google needed for me. I've been doing CRT for too long.
ANC supporters here know my disdain for them. They know I am sick and tired of helping them while they continually vote their thieving ANC into power. So I punish.
If I wake up in a bad mood I start rejecting TV's. I find myself looking for reasons to not repair a TV. There is no one else that will help them. Kinda like culling weak game on a farm.
Look again..and more CRT's in the line waiting to be fixed. Never ending.
It's gotten to the stage where I have no more passion for fixing things for people that support and vote for people that steal I don't steal. I'm done helping those that do. If I can get my hands dirty through doing honest work, so can they.
Rant over,