Anyone need ICD2 clone info?Here's mine.

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Hey guys,I remember putting up pics of my ICD2 clone in here.Now I'm releasing the PCB file.I heard that many guys here like Eagle.Unfortunately my file is in Protel 99SE database format.If you can't use this filetype and you really want this PCB,you may contact people near your area who sees this thread tor you can PM me and we figure out what to do.

The attachments include a ziped Protel ddb document with the schematic and PCB layout inside,a JPG file which you can develope as a digital picture as a cover,another JPG of the original ICD2 sch,the PIC16F877A bootloader and a GIF explaining pin assignment over the PCB.


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  • cover.jpg
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  • original_icd2.jpg
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Here is what the Protel generated virtual PCBs look like(scroll down to the bottom):

And is what the real stuff looks like(also in the bottom):

BTW,administers,if this thread doesn't turn out to be as useful as you expected,just delete it.I think the attachment may have taken much space. :wink:
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