Anyone willing to make a veroboard design for me?

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New Member
i need someone with veroboard designing experience to make a veroboard design from a schematic

i have a university deadline on the 15th and my designs have been rubbish so far, so im stuck to you guys as a last resort..

here's the schematic

if anyone can help me, it would be very helpful

many thanks
hi j,
I doubt if anyone will do the full design for you.

Looking at the awful circuit diagram layout I can see why you are having problems.

I would suggest you draw the two IC's on a piece of paper with the pins of the IC's in their correct locations on the IC's.

Then the interconnecting lines you draw will give you a better insight into the links and copper tracking.

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yeah i was having abit of a panic attack earlier after my previous thread on my current design, but i think i had a breakthrough, i'l post my new design on the other thread when i finished
yeah i was having abit of a panic attack earlier after my previous thread on my current design, but i think i had a breakthrough, i'l post my new design on the other thread when i finished

hi j,
Post the new layout here.

Do it in stages, say the 555 grouping first.

I'm surprised this is 2nd year University stuff.

im doing foundation in music tech, we have to build a veroboard circuit from a given schematic, in order to pass the year, i have to do maths and html etc plus i'v never done electronics before

my lecturer is no help either.. haha
im doing foundation in music tech, we have to build a veroboard circuit from a given schematic, in order to pass the year, i have to do maths and html etc plus i'v never done electronics before

my lecturer is no help either.. haha

Right, so you're not doing electronics then?.

My daughter did Music Tech at A level - it went really badly (considering she's an excellent musician, reads music, plays multiple instruments, and was already a qualified recording engineer).

However, it went really badly for the entire class, the entire County, and the entire Country - they were making MASSIVE changes to the entire course structure for the following year.

Funnily enough my daughter had to build a circuit as part of her Masters Chemistry degree - luckily I had taught her to solder when she was about 7 (and she's built a number of kits), so she was better than the professor
I agree with previous posts.

Try redrawing the cct using the physical layout of the pins on the chips and not the schematic symbol. They can be very different.

It will allow you to visualise what goes where. Experience will in the future allow you to take a schematic and turn it into a vero solution.
This step is not difficult, just methodical.
It takes time and you are trying to jump many steps at once.

You cannot simply turn up on a forum and expect a PCB layout from your cct which is effectively what you're asking.

Sure there are many members of this forum who could do that for you. Many in their sleep, but you will leave having learned absolutely nothing, like excessive track length acting as a pick up, ground loops etc. All the stuff that makes you a better engineer. Regardless of what you are studying.
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