Applications of network theorems..

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Iftikhar Ali

New Member
I am Iftikhar Ali.
I need some information that where network theorems (Nodel Annalysis, Mesh Annalysis, Super Position, Theinvin theorem and Norton Theorem) applies in electronics...........
Iftikhar Ali,

I need some information that where network theorems (Nodel Annalysis, Mesh Annalysis, Super Position, Theinvin theorem and Norton Theorem) applies in electronics...........

Then read a good textbook on the subject. Did you have a specific question on any of those theorems?

I am Iftikhar Ali.
I need some information that where network theorems (Nodel Annalysis, Mesh Annalysis, Super Position, Theinvin theorem and Norton Theorem) applies in electronics...........

Hello there and welcome to the forum,

Knowing when these theorems apply (and when they dont) goes hand in hand with knowing the theorems themselves. In other words, learn the theorems first and then you'll start to understand how to apply them.

I recommend learning nodal analysis first as that it widely applicable and not too hard to learn if you know algebra. Prerequisites would depend on what kind of circuits you want to analyze. Simultaneous equations would be good for DC circuits, and add to that complex numbers for AC circuits. More advanced math for more advanced analysis.
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