arcade game coin problem

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New Member
I'm an arcade game tech and I need to be able to use a wireless remote to coin up a game. The wireless remote receiver I have is powered by 12vdc and has 3 wires for connections to the switch contacts of its internal relay. When I click the remote, the internal relay of the receiver stays energized for about 1 second and then deenergizes. When connected to the coin circuit, this 1 second pulse is too long and the game indicates a coin error. How can I convert this 1 second pulse to a much smaller one (a few milliseconds)? I'd like to use as few discrete components as possible for simplicity's sake.
A simple RC differentiator may work at the pulse output. Connect a series capacitor going to a resistor and diode (anode) to ground. Select the RC time constant to give the pulse time you need.
I tried this today and even though I got a quicker pulse, It appears the capacitor stays charged too long or needs power removed in order to get another pulse to go through. I suppose what I am looking for is a way to use this circuit but it needs to be retriggerable within a second or two. Thanks.
You can usually use a diode to discharge the capacitor quickly. Post your schematic if you can.
I actually borrowed this schematic from this site a few days ago before I posted, except the values I used were C = 2200 mF and R = 10K. Instead of hooking up to the coin circuit directly, I'm activating a relay.


  • RC Relay Delay.gif
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